Thursday, September 3, 2020
An overview of fashion design history
IntroductionManner is a warming issue in everyday life, which is close to about each feature of society. As the development of globalization, way organizations are trying to more possibilities in worldwide market by set uping subordinates everywhere throughout the universe. Blending to Helen ( 1965 ) , way configuration is using committed craftsmanship in vesture and accessories to set up an alone way. In today ââ¬Ës way field, Italy is considered in the prima topographic point for its exquisite and committed way. Nonetheless, France and Japan are other than produce top notch inside decorators who have increased universal notoriety in way structure and set up praised exchange names. The historical backdrop of way configuration could be gone back to nineteenth century with Charles Frederick Worth to run up mark into the articles of clothing, and only vesture made after 1858 could be considered as way design1. During that authentic period, most way inside decorators are independent in a family-based vesture store and gracefully configuration administration to single customer, which are fairly not quite the same as today ââ¬Ës specialty shops or high-style area shops. During the entire twentieth century, way configuration had a tiny bit at a time been grown reliably and has gotten an of import industry in the public arena. It is thus utile for breaking down the way history of twentieth as an attendant for the new century ââ¬Ës improvement. This article will get explicit decennary somewhere in the range of 1940 and 1950 as the examination mark.Background data of twentieth century way designThe improvement of way plan in twentieth century has encountered an alo ne method. The main decennary of the century was a period to arraign new segment into the structure ( Baudot, 1999 ) . The outgrowth of new female coevals and strong inclination in humanistic orders had animated way configuration to join new components. The Europe propensity was as yet centered around style and effortlessness, while U.S inclination was created to normal way, gave a measure from the committed way of nineteenth century. Between1910-1919, there was an incredible change in way configuration impact by Deco humanistic controls. The recognizable character of Deco humanistic orders was the use of hetero and collapsed line. It got a boylike way the way configuration to follow a succinctness way and include some eastern components. During following decennary, the way configuration added innocent way to the attire and proceed to keep up the youngster components in the structure. Chanel ââ¬Ës way made by blend of coat, skirt and gown privailed and extended until presents. An other element is the going to on games attire plan. There is other than way plan inclination in China with the change of conventional cheong-sam. 1930-1939 was an of import decennary for the way plan. In response to the financial emergency, the fix up skirts which spoke to economy showed up. At that point a long skirt lap won until the Second World War. The messed up of war animated an inclination of nostalgic new Victorian way. Another of import piece of this decennary is the constitution of current way plan measures, joining the components of class, excellence and gustatory sensation to stretch the comparing of array and fortunes. The accompanying decennary, other than the imprint time frame in the exploration, is 1940-1949. The luxurious way during the war cut was confined by law and good codifications. Common sense had gotten a standard for way structure. The seek after of guide made the grown-up females attire be input increasingly male components by the win of ground powers cl othes and dresses. The war cut other than gave America the chance of building up its ain way plan then again of entirely trusting on Europe.Purposes of the researchPresents, way inside decorators make their unique work to show their alone gustatory sensation and way. Be that as it may, they other than produce plants to follow the bing way inclinations. They are employed by mass market producers to make attire for work powers, grown-up females and children. The best inside decorator exchange names today are those exchange names with long history, for example, Chanel, Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton. It took them mature ages to set up and build up their places as way symbols. In regard to the authentic setting, 1900-1950 is an extremely of import transformation in way history, enterprises began progressively originative on the plan of their array. Style plan enterprises need to deliver their ain exchange name with high caliber and notoriety to last and strive in the promising busines s sector. To determine and comprehend what establishes way plan and how way configuration has risen in today ââ¬Ës cut as topographic point the way structure in certain basic clasp periods is of import way to comprehend way industry. The motivation behind this examination is to introduce way structure in the decennaries of 1940-1950 to explore the connection between way plan and a progression of components, for example, humanistic orders, wellbeing and A ; marvel, logical control and A ; building, thus on.Fashion Design and Its Related FactorsHumanistic disciplinesBefore twentieth century, way configuration is simply an inert thought of humanistic orders. When came to twentieth century, especially the decennary somewhere in the range of 1940 and 1950, way inside decorators were willing to helpful with humanistic controls. They consolidated their plan with major humanistic controls class. Schiaparell ââ¬Ës work area array and laniate clothes are portrayal of super-authenticity ( Buxhaum, 1999 ) . During this period, the well known music inclination was bop and enormous set. In the move nation, swing, swing and fox-run was in the warming spot. All the propensities in humanistic controls have impacted way plan profoundly. This new contemplations brought way showcase into another coevals. At this clasp, attempt were generally activity by inside decorators them or family unit concern.Politicss and current eventsThe most powerful occasion during this period is the Second World War. War as an of import factor to adjust the historical backdrop of person, each piece great as the advancement of way plan. During the decennary after the Second World War, way configuration had an incredible transmutation. Ladies ââ¬Ës way of the start of the decennary was manly, and by the terminal of the decade2 it changed to profoundly ladylike. During the war cut, the way plan way was changed from class, committed to brevity, while it was underlined on ladylike again after the war. Moreover, the seek after of down to earth map during the war cut empowered the way inside decorator to include progressively male components in planing female clothes, some even utilized male mode into grown-up females structure ( Marsha, 1993 ) . The carefully restriction on dressing was other than done in a few states, for outline, there was a point framework in Britain to reduce the dressing way of grown-up females, set out a progression of guidelines to take grown-up females ââ¬Ës dressing way ( Janet, 1977 ) . Such a confinement non only set on female dressing, however close to guided male ââ¬Ës way of dressing. Male ââ¬Ës unvarying way was most influenced segment, for example, open help partnership suit of Britain and triumph suit of America ( Boucher, 1987 ) . The entire decennary was commanded by the wartime useful guide and the after-war female manner.Health and A ; athleticsAfter 1945 a progression of radical adjustments took topographic point in athleticss d ress. To start with, slipover gowns, clothing and exercise center tops often utilized new extent of man-made strands which fit in the early yearss of creation to sewed fabrics. During the 1950ss, some previous advancements and new utilization of man-made strands unconventionally nylon joined with down to earth strategies created in military vesture were brought into regular citizen creation. For outline, goons that were disguised in cervix pieces of jewelry ; pockets in coat foreparts which were intended to hive away nibble supplements ; baseball gloves with nothing pockets for ski base on ballss ; flexible additions in the sides of ski bloomerss and stirrup ties underneath made for pull on, draw off array. These attributes are normal by us consequently today. In add-on, nylon running trunkss and cotton vests3 were embraced by muscle heads. Flash up parkas and parkas were taken onto the games and athleticss field, however gasp undersides as often as possible had all the earmarks of being lopsided, they assisted with keeping up off the coldness. Stretch pieces of clothing turned out to be fairly well known by the mid 1960ss ; and one appealing preferred position was the solace factor of having the option to go with a garment.Hair and A ; beautyIn this decennary the most famous hair habits is meshes twisted and moved longer. The film stars of that clasp, for example, Veronica Lake and Lauren Bacall gave the best introduction of the long twisting habits. Despite the fact that seting your hair up into conservative exquisite up-dos was the standard way for nuptialss and proms, such an events got rarer and rarer. World War II generally affected the excellence business in this decennary. The way, beautifying agents utilized and magnificence measures were influenced by the temper of dismal and despondency. As Ingrid Bergman appeared in the 1942 film Casablanca, a run of the mill magnificence way should try to show genuine, glamourous in a truly repressed, complex way4. A healthy articulation was considerably more satisfactory than ostentatious. The temper for excess and flashiness was considered as lacking, both in light of the fact that the impacts of the Depression despite everything were act uponing individuals ââ¬Ës life, and on the grounds that a group of American juvenile work powers were coordinating to European battlegrounds to fight and decease.CelebrityThe way symbol in this period was Rita Hayworth. The Great American Love Goddess was conceived in Brooklyn, New York. She spoke to the most in vogue way of 1940s in the movies of ââ¬Å" The Strawberry Blonde ââ¬
Saturday, August 22, 2020
INTRODUCERE IN ISTORIA SCRISULUI SI A CARTII Essays - Free Essays INTRODUCERE IN ISTORIA SCRISULUI SI A CARTII Vizite: ? Nota: ? i1s6se O FUGARA PRIVIRE ASUPRA MENIRII CUVANTULUI SCRIS La inceput de mileniu III se cuvine sa intoarcem privirile spre inceputurile civilizatiei umane pentru a ne pune cateva intrebari logice si mereu incitante. De ce scriu oamenii ? De cand scriu_? si Cum comunica ei prin scris ? Si daca facem in gand ocolul Terrei, am putea fi uimiti in fata imaginii unui adevarat Turn Babel al scrierilor ajunse pana la noi. Nu stim daca noi putem estima astazi cu exactitate feline de female horse este aportul scrierii ca tezaurizator al formelor de civilizatie si cultura brew omenirii, dar suntem siguri ca niciodata nu se va afla cate descoperiri s-au pierdut racket cauza lipsei cuvantului scris in acele inceputuri beer timpului si cate se vor fi sters odata cu incendierile care au distrus atatea inventii incredintate de geniul omenesc viitorului prin litera asezata pe hartie.O incercare de a calcula measurement feline anume an ajuns la noi noise ceea ce a creat Antichitatea a condus la concluzia ca in prezent detinem numai a patruzecea parte commotio n mostenirea vechii epoci. Nu vi se pare surprinzator de putin? Asa cum suntem siguri ca fara inventarea plugului, a rotii olarului, a strungului s I a razboiului de tesut nu ar fi inflorita azi marea industrie moderna, tot astfel putem sa fim incredintati ca fara nascocirea lui Gutenberg si fara ideea lui Marconi precursorii nostri, care trudind veac dupa veac au impins viata spre prezentul, pe care il traim in acest inceput de mileniu III, n-ar fi infruntat atat de eroic cerbiciile istoriei. De cand preistoria a lasat locul istoriei, oamenii au cautat metode pentru a nu da prada uitarii faptele mari brew timpului lor. Povestite copiilor si nepotilor, ele au trecut prin viu grai clamor generatie in generatie. Dar pentru ca fiecare povestitor simtea nevoia sa adauge sau sa lase la o parte cate ceva racket cele ce el auzise narandu-se, ceea ce se transmitea depasea frontierele istoriei, devenind basm, legenda, balada sau epopee. Pentru a le da mai multa stralucire rapsozii le-au turnat in versuri. Astfel s-au inaltat acele unice monumente brew limbii si civilizatiei eline care sunt cantecele homerice, Iliada s I Odiseea, atata timp nescrise, circuland prin viu grai de la o generatie la alta. Atunci cand cuvantului I s-a simtit rostul de pastrator al cugetarii si sentimentelor umane, scrisul a si inceput sa fie plamadit in forme pe care fantezia fiecarei semintii a gasit-o potrivita intelegerii deal. Mai apoi, oamenii au descoperit mijlocul de a transmite posteritatii viata lor traita, iar ves tile lor aveau sa ajunga acolo unde vorba zisa liber nu putea razbate nestingherita de departarea in timp si spatiu. Astfel gandul cu ideile omului, simtirea cu emotiile deal aveau sa treaca fara vama de la un meridian la altul, de la un secol la altul. Inainte ca primul cuvant sa fi fost fixat prin scris, oare cu ce mijloace isi ajutau oamenii memoria? Cum comunicau intre ei printr-un alt fel de semne care au precedat scrisul ? Se crede ca, spre exemplu, ridicarea unor mormane de piatra, apoi an unor stele funerare, ca forme de a comunica o idee, ar fi fost primii pasi spre inventarea scrierii. Pana la noi a razbit pe calea traditiei populare obiceiul de a-ti face un gesture la batista ca sa-ti amintesti ca stii ca ai de implinit un proiect ori un comision. Este vorba in asemenea exemplificari doar de un fundamental al unor sisteme de comunicare, ce erau intrebuintate in epoca in care se trecea de la preistorie la istorie. Poate ca mataniile, inventate candva de catre calugarii budis ti si folosite pana astazi de catre catolici, nu sunt nici ele altceva decat niste precursoare brew scrisului. Ele ar putea face parte dintr-o preistorie an erei Gutenberg, aidoma semnelor casei, care se intrebuintau chiar ca iscalitura, cand proprietarul nu cunos tea scrisul, sau desenelor de pe stanci facute in epoca de piatra, ele marcand inceputul scrierilor in sisteme sintetice. Racket nevoia de a pastra si transmite unele amintiri s-au creat primele documente intocmite cu ajutorul scrierii pictografice sau ideografice intr-un sistem ce reda numai sensul general, fara a pastra insa textul precise. Inscriptiile ideografice se mai redacteaza s I astazi, respectandu-se o traditie
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Case Study Essay
Andrew Barker, a brand chief for Snapple refreshments at the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., must evaluate whether a beneficial market opportunity exists for another vitality refreshment brand to be created, advertised, and appropriated by the organization in 2008. He has around 3 months to decide the market opportunity. SWOT. Strengths| Weaknesses| * Strong arrangement of driving buyer favored brands * Integrated plan of action * Strong client connections * Attractive situating inside an enormous, developing, and productive market * Broad geographic assembling and dissemination inclusion * Strong working edges and huge, stable incomes * Experienced official administration team| * Currently the main significant household nonalcoholic refreshment organization in the US without a noteworthy marked caffeinated drink of its own * Company bottlers and wholesalers don't serve all zones of the US (by mid 2008, 80% of the US showcase) * Market is as of now established| Opportunities| Threats|. * Integrated plan of action gives chances to net deals and benefit development through the arrangement of the monetary interests of its image proprietorship and its packaging and conveyance organizations * Carbonated refreshments were the fourth biggest nonalcoholic drink classification in the US in 2006 and the fasted developing drink classification * Average US per capita utilization of vitality refreshment consumers expanded by 14% since 2004| . * Industry examiners venture a normal yearly development pace of 10.5% from 2007 to 2011 (down 32% from 2001-2006) which is ascribed to showcase development, expanded cost and bundling rivalry, and the passage of cross breed vitality refreshments, for example, vitality water, vitality natural product drinks, prepared to-drink vitality teas, and vitality colas * Energy refreshment purchasers limit their decision to just 1.4 various brands, which recommends brand steadfastness in this market. * 5 Major brands (Red Bull, Hansen, Pepsi-Cola, Rockstar and Coca-Cola) command the US vitality drink showcase, representing 94% of dollar deals and unit volume. * The vitality drink showcase has experience item expansion and value disintegration as of late * Energy refreshment costs declined 30% from 2001-2006| Basic Issues * Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is the main significant household nonalcoholic refreshment organization in the US without a noteworthy marked caffeinated drink of its own. * 5 Major brands (Red Bull, Hansen, Pepsi-Cola, Rockstar and Coca-Cola) overwhelm the US vitality drink showcase, representing 94% of dollar deals and unit volume. Choices. * Do Nothing * The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. packaging and conveyance framework ought to present a vitality drink, promoted towards grown-ups, ages 34-54. The Energy refreshment ought to incorporate two flavors, with a normal and sugar free form of every, all accessible in a standard 16 ounce size, as this section represents the most development opportunity (150%). Promoting and consumptions for the new caffeinated drink brand need to roads through internet based life, TV, print, occasion, and so on., as the market is serious and shoppers are incredibly brand steadfast. Publicizing ought to incorporate free presents of the drink, or ââ¬Ëtrialsââ¬â¢, to create buzz and get shoppers to attempt the item. The new item ought to have the option to stand apart when close to other caffeinated drinks, possibly bundle it in a one of a kind container, for example, glass. They should flexibly all off-premise retailers, concentrating on the comfort stores first, as they represent the most retail dollar deals, and afterward moving into the grocery stores and mass merchandisers. The new refreshment ought to be evaluated somewhat higher than normal, at $2.50 per single-serve bundle.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Disruptive School Students - Free Essay Example
Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Answer It is generally accepted that some student making noisy and behave badly cause trouble and get effect negative in the class for others. As a result teacher and other students find difficulties to continue study with them. However, it seems to me that it is not a best solution to take these students out and grouped them for studying separately. If we do so, they are less likely to be considered as a good person in their future life and hardly recover from that bad reputation. Moreover, they are only limited to meet only friends having such bad behaviour and their mentality tends to become worse by copying each other. This can then also cause the problems for the society. We should find out their back ground reasons for doing so. Perhaps their parents are divorced and this unfortunate family problem affects their mentality. Perhaps they need more attention from others in some ways. In addition, teacher or teaching method couldnââ¬â¢t motivate them while the lessons are boring. Some people argue that they should learn to put up with the boring environment and need to consider for the normal students who are being disrupted. Having discussed above situations, we should try to find out either a suitable class room management or a way of consultation for them to solve this problem rather than taught them separately.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Definition of Examples in Rhetoric
In rhetoric, an example is a particular instance that serves to illustrate a principle or support a claim. It is also known as exemplumà and is related toà example (composition). Examples that serve aà persuasive purposeà areà a type ofà inductive reasoning.à As Phillip Sipiora points out in his discussion of rhetoricalà kairos, [T]heà concept of the example is itself a critical dimension of theà rhetoricalà logical appeal, or argument (at least in Aristotles theory ofà rhetoric, theà most comprehensive extant treatment of classical rhetoric)à (Kairos: The Rhetoric of Time and Timing in the New Testament.à Rhetoric and Kairos, 2002).Examples are supplementary evidence, notesà Stephen Pender. As a weaker form of persuasion, examples are employed only when enthymemes are unsuited to an argument or audience... Yet examples have their place in reasoning (Rhetoric and Medicine in Early Modern Europe, 2012). Commentary Our whole economy hangs precariously on the assumption that the higher you go the better off you are, and that unless more stuff is produced in 1958 than was produced in 1957, more deer killed, more automatic dishwashers installed, more out-of-staters coming into the state, more heads aching so they can get the fast fast fast relief from a pill, more automobiles sold, you are headed for trouble.(E.B. White, A Report in January. Essays of E.B. White. Harper, 1977)There were aspects of living in that house overlooking the Pacific that he failed to mention--he failed to mention for example the way the wind would blow down through the canyons and whine under the eaves and lift the roof and coat the white walls with ash from the fireplace, he failed to mention for example the king snakes that dropped from the rafters of the garage into the open Corvette I parked below, he failed to mention for example that king snakes were locally considered a valuable asset because the presence of a king snake in your Corvette was understood to mean (I was never convinced that it did) that you didnââ¬â¢t have a rattlesnake in your Corvette . . ..(Joan Didion, Blue Nights. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011 Aristotle on Factual and Fictitious Examples Aristotle divides examples into factual and fictitious, the former relying on historical experience and the latter invented to support the argument... Holding together the categories of example... are two major ideas: first, that concrete experience, especially when it is familiar to an audience, is highly significant; and, second, that things (both material objects and events) repeat themselves. (John D. Lyons, Exemplum, in Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Oxford University Press, 2001) Persuasive Examples As Quintilian defined it, an example adduces some past action real or assumed which may serve to persuade the audience of the truth of the point which we are trying to make (V xi 6). If, for instance, a rhetor wants to convince her neighbor that he should keep his dog inside the fence that surrounds his property, she can remind him of a past instance when another neighbors dog, running free, spread another neighbors garbage all over both front yards. Rhetorical examples should not be confused with the particulars used in inductive reasoning. This rhetor has no interest in generalizing about all dogs in the neighborhood but is only concerned to compare the actual behavior of one dog running free to the probable behavior of another in similar circumstances...Rhetorical examples are persuasive because they are specific. Because they are specific, they call up vivid memories of something the audience has experienced. (S. Crowley and D. Hawhee, Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students. Pearson, 2004) Further Reading 40 Essay Topics: ExamplesArgumentExemplumFive Model Paragraphs Developed With ExamplesInductionLogicLogosPersuasion
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
It is often said that dreams donââ¬â¢t correspond to reality...
It is often said that dreams donââ¬â¢t correspond to reality and when we see our life unfolding before us and when we sit down and evaluate what we want from our future, Canberra is just the correct option for us. My husband and I were discussing and planning to migrate to Australia for a better future and to correspond and fulfill this dream we had consulted many consultants to guide us and who paved a path to decide what is paramount for us. We decided to go with ACT and this, perhaps, is just right for us. Australia is often touted to be the lucky country when it comes to education, career and even employment prospects, this country caters to all. Whether it is the standard of living or it is the hospitality the Aussies offer, it is parâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I am confident and looking forward to gain employment within Canberra. Chennai is a growing city and has modernized itself as compared to its inception and similarly, Australia embraces an aboriginal past lined up with a majestic history matching up to the rationalized multicultural country that it is today, Canberra is the quintessence of Australia. This city has a broad-based feel in the air; the city has a friendly vibe and a very clean environment. It is a very calm and composed place where anyone would want to live and build their future. Just like India, I have been able to take pleasure in all the four seasons the nature has blessed us with and there are few places where there are just one or two seasons to witness and take pleasure in but fortunately, Iââ¬â¢ll be able witness all the four seasons here in Canberra and take pleasure in the beauty of these seasons. I just hope that the ACT government finds me eligible to migrate to Canberra and build my future there. When I visualize the atmosphere and the ambiance of Canberra with the perfumed air, the spring blooms that in the city and the cityââ¬â¢s regional vineyards fascinate and appeal to me. You can wake up with the beautiful sun smiling at you and sleep in the brisk nights. You can see the wind flowers bloom and the season is exhilarating to witness. Followed by summers, Chennai generally has hot air and a warm temperatureShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesGlobalization 16 â⬠¢ Managing Workforce Diversity 18 â⬠¢ Improving Customer Service 18 â⬠¢ Improving People Skills 19 â⬠¢ Stimulating Innovation and Change 20 â⬠¢ Coping with ââ¬Å"Temporarinessâ⬠20 â⬠¢ Working in Networked Organizations 20 â⬠¢ Helping Employees Balance Workââ¬âLife Conflicts 21 â⬠¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 â⬠¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 2 2 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 â⬠¢ Inputs 24 â⬠¢ Processes 25 â⬠¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-AssessmentRead MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 PagesChange 2. Images of Managing Change 121 121 147 147 Text 3. Why Organizations Change Text Cohen â⬠¢ Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition 14. Initiating Change 174 174 Text iii Cases 221 221 225 The Consolidated Life Case: Caught Between Corporate Cultures Whoââ¬â¢s in Charge? (The)(Jim)(Davis)(Case) MorinâËâJarrell â⬠¢ Driving Shareholder Value I. Valuation 229 229 253 279 1. The ValueâËâBased Management Framework: An Overview 2. Why Value Value? 4. The Value Manager Read MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words à |à 960 PagesManagement Systems 237 Two Recent KMS Initiatives within a Pharmaceutical Firm KMS Success 240 Artificial Intelligence 241 Expert Systems 241 Obtaining an Expert System 242 Examples of Expert Systems 242 Neural Networks 244 Virtual Reality 245 Review Questions 250 â⬠¢ Discussion Questions 250 â⬠¢ Bibliography 251 Chapter 7 E-Business Systems 253 Brief History of the Internet E-Business Technologies 254 254 Legal and Regulatory Environment 257 Strategic E-BusinessRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 PagesPerspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian
Financial Statement Analysis as an Instrument
Question: Discuss about theFinancial Statement Analysis as an Instrument. Answer Introduction An evaluation method interpreting an entitys past, current and expected performance which can be also said as future projections. The financial statements give the pictures of future projections on the basis of financial ratios and other techniques which are adopted by the users of the financial statements to ascertain the performance of the company. Users of financial statements include both internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include management, as they need to make day to day decisions in performing the operations of the company. While the external stakeholders include shareholders who are often owners of the company, while the investors for instance equity and credit investors, public in general, government and those concerned about making decisions in an entity. The financial statement analysis can also be used as an instrument to predict the probability in case of bankruptcy. After analyzing the financial statements, the analysts provide reports based on, analysis eventually certifying that the financial statements are prepared and there are no hidden defects in the statements. The analysis provides you with a predictable instrument so that you are able to make financial decisions and whether there are any debt issues or the company is under severe debt. Literature Many of the companies use financial statement analysis tools (White et al., 1997) for analyzing the statements so that users have no problem in making decisions, such tools financial statements include: Fundamental Analysis This analyzes the businesss financial statements such as assets, liabilities and earnings health and its competitors and markets. Such analysis mainly focuses on the long term economic state. Such analysis mainly includes: Economic analysis Industry analysis Company analysis Ratio Analysis Ratio analysis looks particularly at both of the factors which includes qualitative (general factors) and quantitative (substantial and physical factors) aspects of the financial statements. Attractive results can be achieved by quantitative analysis whenever they used with other techniques. Usually comparisons are made using such ratios between: companies industries a single company and its industry average different time periods for one company Ratios for analyzing the financial statements include the following: Performance Gross profit margin Price/earnings ratio Profit margin Return on assets Return on equity Earnings per share Dividend payout ratio Activity Asset turnover Average collection period Inventory turnover Financing Debt Ratio Debt / Equity ratio Liquidity warnings Current ratio Acid test ratio Cash ratio Working capital These are some of the ratios to analyze the financial statement to help the users of the financial statements to make decisions which are beneficial to them based on these ratios. DuPont Analysis DuPont analysis splits Return on Equity into three definite elements. Such an analysis assists in understanding root cause higher (lower) return when comparing with companies in identical companies. In defining financial statement analysis as an instrument helping to predict the probability in case of bankruptcy, there can also be flaws as to how the company makes an accounting treatment with regards to various financial statement assertions (Taylor and Anastasia, 2015). The management can also use loopholes in the accounting to show their financial performance and position best so as to acquire more borrowing. This raises higher incomes to the investors and owners of the company. In relation to real life examples here are some of the companies that were bankrupted due to poor financial reporting and accounting loop holes which includes: Lehman Brothers In the top 10 United States collapses Lehman Brothers has been ranked as number 01. The date of their filing bankruptcy was 09/15/08 and their assets at the time of bankruptcy totaled to USD 691 billion (Tkaczyk and reporter, 2001). A financial services firms leveraging of borrowed money caused the biggest bankruptcy in US history in 2008, and the company fizzled out of existence in a rapid decline that it enhanced the economic devastation on the ongoing crises. New emerged that executives increased their pay just before bankruptcy and accounts had been altered to hide the Banks poor financial position. This case stands as the perfect example of the culture of excess causing worldwide suffering for billions of people (, 2016). Even before the financial crises Lehman Brotherswas already in a seat of going easy with its accounting which had placed investment banker in an acute stress to guarantee its investors. It was done by usage of a practice known as Repo 105, a type of repurchase agreement (or "repo" deal) which for the time being removes securities in the balance sheet and showing it as a security sale by Lehman (Monitor and Trumbull, 2010). The main reason of such collapse is they did not reveal the significant usage of medium relating to accounting and lowering the leverage for the time being simultaneously that it showed a positive picture to investors as low leverage numbers, thus establishing deceiving portrait regarding the truth of Financial health of the entity. (Anton R valukas, Exminer) World Call The World Call has been ranked at number 3. The date of their filing bankruptcy was 07/21/02 and their assets at the time of bankruptcy totaled to USD 103.9 billion (Tkaczyk and reporter, 2001). This telecommunication corporation held the record for the biggest bankruptcy in 2002 before the Lehman brothers collapse took its unwanted title six years later. Throughout the early 2000s the company was utilizing a complex scheme of adjusting its books to hide the considerable losses. By 2003 it spot that its total assets have been fraudulently inflated by USD 11 billion (, 2016). Enron Similarly Enron has been ranked at number 6. The date of their filing bankruptcy was 12/02/01 and their assets at the time of bankruptcy totaled to USD 65.5 billion (Tkaczyk and reporter, 2001). In a space concerning a month or so this energy giant went from being one of the biggest companies in the world to bankrupt. Main instances of the scandal were the failures of accounting firm Arthur Anderson LLP which neglected to report Enrons crime and led to firms own dissolution. Enron's results for 1998, 1999, and 2000 suggest some interesting comparisons. The firm's revenues increased by $10 billion from 1998 to 1999, and by $60 billion (to $100 billion) from 1999 to 2000 (Bratton 2002). The share scale of Enrons fraudulent activity is difficult to comprehend as it allowed the business to pretend it was running on USD 100 billion in revenues through the use of loop holes and the poor financial reporting and more to conceal its massive debt. Many critics thought that for an energy company to be so reckless was particularly and those involved deserved their harsh sentences (, 2016). Conclusion After reviewing the above scenario it can be established that even though there are some loopholes in the accounting system, proper accounting tools should be applied so that the information is definitely clear. The experts should relate the above matter in relation to the frauds the companies are making by using such loopholes and making things visible clearer for the users of the financial statements. Even though financial statement analysis provides variety of information used in identifying potential problems, there are several problems which need to be addressed such as Operational information is not taken into account by the analysts who should reconsider as it may provide some general performance predictors for the future such as warranty claims, orders being backlogged and many more. Another big issue for the analysts is the comparison between companies, using ratio analysis to compare the picture of two different entities might not bring out expected results as the entity might pile up the required information differently in drawing their respective financial statements might result an incorrect outcome about an entity as opposed to other entities in the same industry. By applying appropriate measures and attention to the individual particulars, so that their effects on such particulars are well formed and analyses of financial statements are therefore adjusted. References Bratton, W. W. (May 2002). "Enron and the Dark Side of Shareholder Value" Monitor, T.C.S. and Trumbull, M. (2010) Lehman Bros. Used accounting trick amid financial crisis and earlier.Available at: Tkaczyk, C. reporter (2009)The 10 largest U.S. Bankruptcies Available at: Taylor, S.J. and Anastasia (2015) Business,Business, 14 September. Available at: (2016) Top 10 corporate scandals. Available at: White, G.I.; Sondhi, A.C.; Fried, D. and Fried, H.D. (1997). The Analysis and Use of Financial Statetments.2nd edn. NewYork, John Wiley Sons, Inc.ISBN0-471-11186-4.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Marketing Plan Essays (1880 words) - Crops, Coffee, Arab Culture
Marketing Plan Components of the Marketing Plan I. Situation Analysis: Where are we now? A. Historical Background The coffee tree is native to Ethiopia. From there it spread throughout the Middle East. Until the 17th Century all the coffee of commerce came from Arabia. Slowly, the efforts of Dutch merchants spread cultivation to the East Indies. Coffee cultivation began in the Americas in the early 1700's. Most of the coffee trees of the Western Hemisphere are said to be descended from a single plant. It was carried from a botanical garden in France to the island of Martinique in the West Indies by Capt. Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu, a young military officer. He kept the tree alive during an arduous voyage by sharing with it his limited ration of drinking water. Coffee cultivation spread quickly through the West Indies in the next few years. Coffee was the first grown in Brazil in 1729. Brazilian coffee exports achieved importance by 1809, and since the mid-1800's Brazil has by a considerable margin been the world's leading coffee rowing nation. Between 1850 and 1900 other Latin American nations developed extensive coffee plantations. Commercial coffee growing began in central Africa about 1900. Africa, however, became a major source of coffee only in the period following World War II. The origin of man's use of coffee is lost in the timeless legends of the Middle East. One of the most appealing relates that some monks, after observing the liveliness of sheep which had eaten coffee cherries, began to eat the cherries to help keep themselves awake through long nights of prayer. Consumption of coffee probably began by the 6th century AD. A reference to coffee appears in a medical manuscript of AS 900. It was first used as a food, as a medicine, and as an ingredient in wine. Coffee as a beverage similar to that of today - a water extracted of roasted beans - appeared around 1300. In the middle political discussion. Rulers periodically attempted to suppress them; King Charles II of England termed coffeehouses "seminaries of sedition." When it became known that roasting coffee beans brought out their flavor, roasted beans were crushed, boiled in water, and then consumed grounds and all. Spices were often added to the brew. In Egypt soon after 1600, sugar was added to cut the bitterness of coffee. The use of milk became common in the late 1600's. In Scandinavia and colonial America, eggs were added to reduce bitterness. Espresso, which is brewed by forcing steam through finely ground darkly roasted coffee beans, became popular in the 1940's. It was the main beverage served in the coffeehouse that began to flourish near college campuses. Again the centers of literary and political discussions, as well as poetry and folksinging , coffeehouse were favorite spots for the beatniks and hippies of the 1950's and 1960's. B. Consumer Analysis Bad Ass Coffee Company products are attempting to serve the serious coffee drinkers out there. We are trying to focus of course on the older generation as well as the younger generation of coffee drinkers in the United States today. We want to try and aim our coffee more toward the younger generation of coffee drinkers since more and more young adults are starting to drink coffee. a. The Bad Ass Coffee Company distribution channel can be segmented into 4 categories. ? Independent retailers ? Supermarkets ? Mass Merchandisers ? Our personal market customers b. Bad Ass Coffee Company will be targeting the independent retailers as well as the supermarkets and hope start our own brand name stores around the world. c. The people who would probably enjoy our products the most would most likely be the baby boomer type era. We would like to aim our products more toward the new generation of coffee drinkers to come. d. Kids and minorities are not really going to be targeted as much as the young adults but everyone will be recognized as a coffee drinker by our company. e. The serious coffee drinker buys an average of 5lbs of coffee a week. Our goal is to try and raise this average with the bad ass coffee name in every household. C. Competitive Analysis Some firms are forced to develop unique distribution channels because of inadequate promotion of their products by independent marketing intermediaries. Not Bad Ass Coffee Company, we add a direct sales force through selective distribution. We only sell our coffee to a limited number of retailers. In order to get Bad Ass Coffee you must got to one of our
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Essay on Tourette Syndrome and Phonic) Tics.
Essay on Tourette Syndrome and Phonic) Tics. Essay on Tourette Syndrome and Phonic) Tics. Tic tock A Masterpiece By Chasà © Wrren Dr. Cynthia Guzmn M.D Psychological disorders affect our everyday lives and how we live them. Gilles De La Tourette (Touretteââ¬â¢s for short) is an exceptional example of this. In this paper I will discuss the following and its relation to Touretteââ¬â¢s; diagnosis, symptoms, origins and treatment options. Touretteââ¬â¢s syndrome is characterized by involuntary tics (sudden, repetitive motor movements or vocalizations). It is infamous for being known as a cause for people to scream or do unusual things. Touretteââ¬â¢s is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder, which means that it is a genetic disease that primarily affects the nervous system. Touretteââ¬â¢s is characterized by both physical (motor) tics, and vocal (phonic) tics. Since it is a spectrum there are a wide variety of possible side effects, it is only officially classified when a physical tic and one or more vocal tics are present in the duration of a year. When a diagnosis is being made it's not uncommon to view the patient's family history to determine if affecting disorders are present. There is no requirement that comorbid conditions preside, but it is up to the diagnostician to decide. Often diagnosis is made in early childhood and symptoms deteriorate throughout the later years. The most common symptoms include facial and vocal tics. Tics can vary in intensity from slight shrugs to screaming obscenities. Although less severe tics are more common, even a simple shrugging tic can end in self harm such as punching ones self in the face or screaming. Tics intensify based on anxiety or excitement and deteriorate under calm circumstances. Tics can also be masked, however it often causes a buildup of tension to the point where they feel that the tic must be suppressed. Touretteââ¬â¢s is often seen in conjunction with OCD and ADHD which can sometimes mask the less severe cases. In the early Ages people with Touretteââ¬â¢s were often thought to be ââ¬Å"possessed by the devilâ⬠until Jean Marc Gaspard Itard came along and reported the first Case of Touretteââ¬â¢s in 1825. Jean-Martin Charcot's resident published an account of 9 patients in 1885, and thus had the disease named after him. Modern research points to abnormalities in certain brain regions resulting
Friday, February 28, 2020
Human Rights Watch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Human Rights Watch - Essay Example The idea of human rights was developed and the rights and responsibilities of each individual were developed. As people gave their will over to governments, it became necessary for the government to have various responsibilities to protect the individual. This is how the rights of the individual were developed (Moehler 2008). In Asia, the code of Hammurabi is seen to be the earliest codification of human rights. It defined the rights and responsibilities of each individual. The code which included over two hundred clauses, also included such as issues as consumer protection in the form of outlining the responsibilities of builders to their customers. For instance, if a builder built a home for a customer and the home collapsed on the owner in a specific period of time, the builder would be sentenced to death. In Europe, the dawn of human rights can be seen as having started with the signing of the Magna Carter in the year. This was provoked by the acts of King John which led to many people, including the church and other sources of authorities being unhappy with the way King John of England was trying to restructure the power structure and to give himself much power. The King was forced to sing the Magna Carter which among other things described some of the earliest codifications of human rights in Europe. These rights included the right of the church to operate without manipulation from the government and also some individual rights which must be protected by the state. The Human Rights Watch was founded in 1978 under the name of Helsinki Watch. Its scope of activities back then was narrowed mainly to watching the compliance of Russia to the Helsinki Accords. The idea was to watch, name and shame the abuse of power by governments with regard to human rights. Later, Americas Watch was founded in 1981 as a way to watch human rights violation in America with the rise of civil wars in the
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Trans Fat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Trans Fat - Essay Example It is helpful in creating, firmness, texture, and longer shelf life for many products. Many companies and restaurants in western countries have started using palm oil and coconut oil instead of hydrogenated oils. But in reality, they are only slightly healthier than trans fat. Coconut and palm oils are rich in saturated fat which increases the chances of heart diseases and raises the level of cholesterol in the blood. Former president of the American Heart Association, Robert Eckel, says ââ¬Å"getting rid of trans fat is important because strong evidence indicates that they contribute to higher levels of harmful cholesterol and heart diseases. But the idea that this is the most harmful type of fat is a matter of debate.â⬠(Nanci Hellmich, USA Today). Regarding the readership of this article, it may be written for all those who have some knowledge about the unhealthy diet with a special focus on those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. People who suffer from obesity, heart diseases and those who exercise some control over diet are, obviously, interested in it. As regards the third question, what kind of appeals would be most appropriate, it can safely be said that by explaining the issue through logic would be most suitable because the targeted groups are adults who are not likely to move by emotions. After taking a stance on trans fats and diet, it is always better to prove the points through well argued views. It might create an impression in the minds of the reader that the author is honest, sincere, confident and. above all, well informed. The reader might also believe that the author understands his concerns and has answered all of them. The next question to be answered is what would be the most appropriate style to wr ite a persuasive article. Generally, there are several styles such as formal, academic, legal and middle styles to write an article. Middle style which uses images and illustrations well-known to the readers are the
Friday, January 31, 2020
Popular Culture Identity and the body (see thesis) Essay
Popular Culture Identity and the body (see thesis) - Essay Example What seems to be important is the end of ensuring that the learner is prepared for his social position. There are also innovations to practices that have come because of the onslaught of technology Teacher positioning. The question of "teacher positioning" (BBC, 2007) has been asked by Mia dela Cruz of the Philippines in a forum and had been answered by teachers from at least 20 counties. They included those from Australia, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Hungary, Italy, India, Iraq and Mexico. These teachers also coming from Taiwan, Germany, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, the Russian Federation, Portugal and UK invariably said that teacher positioning in the classrooms, whether sitting or standing at the front, all depends on the context, the country or culture one is working or teaching in. One would like to wander around the classroom and get physically closer to her students while she teaches. Another would go for whichever position brings one to eye-level with the children and create intimacy. One would try to sit as close to pupils as she can because that makes her learners and her more comfortable. Ultimately, it depended on the type of teaching atmosphere existing in the classroom, they said.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The History of the Computer :: Computers Technology Electronics Essays
The History of the Computer Computers in some form are in almost everything these days. From Toasters to Televisions, just about all electronic things has some form of processor in them. This is a very large change from the way it used to be, when a computer that would take up an entire room and weighed tons of pounds has the same amount of power as a scientific calculator. The changes that computers have undergone in the last 40 years have been colossal. So many things have changed from the ENIAC that had very little power, and broke down once every 15 minutes and took another 15 minutes to repair, to our Pentium Pro 200ââ¬â¢s, and the powerful Silicon Graphics Workstations, the core of the machine has stayed basically the same. The only thing that has really changed in the processor is the speed that it translates commands from 1ââ¬â¢s and 0ââ¬â¢s to data that actually means something to a normal computer user. Just in the last few years, computers have undergone major changes. PC users came from using MS-DOS and Windows 3.1, to Windows 95, a whole new operating system. Computer speeds have taken a huge increase as well, in 1995 when a normal computer was a 486 computer running at 33 MHz, to 1997 where a blazing fast Pentium (AKA 586) running at 200 MHz plus. The next generation of processors is slated to come out this year as well, being the next CPU from Intel, code named Merced, running at 233 MHz, and up. Another major innovation has been the Internet. This is a massive change to not only the computer world, but to The History of the Computer :: Computers Technology Electronics Essays The History of the Computer Computers in some form are in almost everything these days. From Toasters to Televisions, just about all electronic things has some form of processor in them. This is a very large change from the way it used to be, when a computer that would take up an entire room and weighed tons of pounds has the same amount of power as a scientific calculator. The changes that computers have undergone in the last 40 years have been colossal. So many things have changed from the ENIAC that had very little power, and broke down once every 15 minutes and took another 15 minutes to repair, to our Pentium Pro 200ââ¬â¢s, and the powerful Silicon Graphics Workstations, the core of the machine has stayed basically the same. The only thing that has really changed in the processor is the speed that it translates commands from 1ââ¬â¢s and 0ââ¬â¢s to data that actually means something to a normal computer user. Just in the last few years, computers have undergone major changes. PC users came from using MS-DOS and Windows 3.1, to Windows 95, a whole new operating system. Computer speeds have taken a huge increase as well, in 1995 when a normal computer was a 486 computer running at 33 MHz, to 1997 where a blazing fast Pentium (AKA 586) running at 200 MHz plus. The next generation of processors is slated to come out this year as well, being the next CPU from Intel, code named Merced, running at 233 MHz, and up. Another major innovation has been the Internet. This is a massive change to not only the computer world, but to
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Change: Indispensable Organizational Act Essay
Whenever change takes place, good and bad things happen in an organization. The management has the dice to roll on how to deal with such changes. Peopleââ¬â¢s motivation will be affected especially those individuals who assumes that the management will get rid off them (Lawler, p. 157). When a company faces reduction in force, proper selection and guidance must be set. Result of reduction in force will cause the company with short-term and long-term consequences. Being the lead consultant, reduction in force will be the last resort to reconstruct the organization. To minimize or to come up with zero error can be attainable if proper line of communication is present. Since this is the main problem of the company, restructuring the way people communicate with other people from one department to another will be crucial. Every individual under the company needs to know that the company is working on the same goal (Termini, p. 186). Playing as one team with one spirit, proper coordination and communication are essential ingredients to keep on winning the stiff competition. Never fight with eyes close or else the opponent will easily know where to give their strong blows. The Essence of Proper Communication: Tool for Success People resist from change because of numerous factors that they will be dealing with. One is fear of loosing their vested interest with the current position. Individuals with anxieties guard off more what they can do with themselves than with the company (Reina and Reina, p. 7). The effects of changes with the company were not their concern but rather the implication of these changes with themselves. Another issue is, when there would be changes, rumours spread within the four corners of each department (Lawler and Rhode, p. 100). Misunderstanding takes place and people crumble more, leaving their work on a mess. Some may feel neglected while some may feel packing their things and headed on their way out. These reactions of people in an organization with regards to change are normal. Humans are bounded by intellectual and emotional abilities when stimulated by certain factors that will affect their desires. Employees of Pegasus have the benefit of realizing their potential because the company supports their way up. The company sets its benchmark in retaining its best people and allowing them to grow with the company. It is the main reason why people never leave Pegasus. Why waste this opportunity just because of miscommunication among departments? Communication is the answer and as much as possible, reduction will be the last resort to solve this problem. Employees of Pegasus set their lives with the company and itââ¬â¢s an asset which distinguished the difference of Pegasus from their competitors. There are approaches to cater the effects of change in an organization (Bahrami and Evans, p. 3). Proper education on people about the change effort beforehand helps employees to see the logic why the company needs to do such modification and alteration especially in communication. Participation of every division or department is an important element to transpire with positive effects of transformation. When there is a resistance to change, the management can have an arrangement to settle things. The company can offer incentive if projects will be completed at a given turn around time. There can also be a proposal that the department with much mistake will owe the rest of the team with an ââ¬Å"after work dinner. This will enable each person within the company to loosen up. Casual talks involve in dinner party or any activity hosted by the company will enhance communication among its people. Such occasions allows people to mingle and rub elbows with other group of people. A friendly working environment makes people work with happiness in their hearts no matter how tough their assigned task is. It invites positive outlook in humans while working which allows optimistic drive to run through. A company needs to treat its employees not just a mere part of the team but most likely a part of the family. When one get hurts, everybody does.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Rehabilitation vs Incarceration - 1515 Words
Rehabilitation versus Incarceration Lee Tergeson, actor from the television show OZ said, ââ¬Å"I know what it is like to be ignored, and I think that is the big problem about the prison system: These people are being thrown away. There is no sense of rehabilitation. In some places, they are trying to do things. But, in most cases, it is a holding cell.â⬠(Tergeson, 2002) He speaks the truth. Those incarcerated today are not given the chance to change their behavior patterns, especially when it is in regard to drug addiction. The criminal justice system in general does not consider drug abuse as anything but a crime and does not think about treating the disease of addiction in order to reduce or eliminate the crimes that come as aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Both forms of treatment implement various forms of therapy including family and individual; in some cases the use of medications are helpful for easing withdrawals that may be too big of a shock to the system if the drugs are stopped suddenly, as is the case when treating heroin addiction with methadone. Treatments are geared toward the person and not just the drug being abused, so times and treatment approaches vary from person to person. There are groups of people in the criminal justice system who considers drug addiction a personal issue, not a criminal one. This could not be further from the truth; drug abuse is illegal and should be treated as such. It is a catalyst for many crimes seen today from mugging to murder. If the numbers of those who abuse drugs are reduced, the amount of crimes associated with the addiction are also reduced. Not only will crime levels be reduced, most of those who undergo treatment tend to be better prepared to do more with their lives and not re-offend. The cost of drug rehabilitation, when compared to the costs of incarceration, is the more economical choice. In some cases, the addict is held responsible for the cost of their own treatment program if they are able. In the case they could not pay, the cost to the taxpayers is roughly only one quarter the cost of jailing them for a year. For example, in California ââ¬Å"a year in [jail] costs $23,000 per inmate, compared with a $3,000Show MoreRelatedRehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration738 Words à |à 3 PagesRehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration 5 Running Head: Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration Impact of Rehabilitation Programs and Incarceration for Juvenile Offenders Discussing the Importance of Rehabilitation Program Introduction Juvenile offenders are increasing day by day regardless of the efforts to control the youth crime. It is important to understand the fact that even though the offenders fall in the young age bracket, they are still a part of human species. Human nature respondsRead MoreJuvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prison vs. Juvenile Incarceration1703 Words à |à 7 PagesJuvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prisons vs. Juvenile Incarceration Maureen Fries-Labra English 122 Anna Hopson December 14, 2009 Juvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prisons vs. Juvenile Incarceration The criminal justice system has a branch for juvenile offenders. Established in the early twentieth century; it is the responsibility of this division to decide the fates of youthful offenders. This is administered by family court with support of social workers and family. With the increased numberRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1661 Words à |à 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Helen Olko October 1, 2012 Abstract The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice systemà is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. 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Incapacitation- Incapacitation is a philosophy that incarcerating criminals may guarantee that the individual will no longer be a threat to society, as with the term incarceration. The theory of capital punishment in the incapacitation theory is it prevents the criminal from committing any future crimes. However, the role of imprisonment or incapacitation on criminals as a deterrent has been difficult to pin down. In ElliotRead MorePunishment Versus Rehabilitation1513 Words à |à 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Brenda A. Dove AJS/502 Version I September 10, 2012 John V. Baiamonte, Jr. Ph.D. Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. If an individual commits a crime serious enough to warrant incarceration, then the individual is sent to prison as a form of punishment. While incarceratedRead MoreJuvenile Crime Has Become More Valuable Members Of Society?938 Words à |à 4 Pagescommon desire to reduce the incidence of juvenile crime and find effective legislation to discipline these youths, but there are questions about these methods. What is more effective, incarceration or rehabilitation? Does criminal punishment intimidate more youths away from a life of crime, and would productive rehabilitation efforts influence these youths to becoming more valuable members of society? The National Institute Justice states that juvenile crime rates have fallen over 55% than its peak inRead MoreTension between Rehabilitation and Punishment in an Incarceration Setting653 Words à |à 3 PagesEssay Discussing Discuss: The tension between rehabilitation and punishment in an incarceration setting. What happens when one is emphasized over the other? Is it possible to strike a balance? The tension between rehabilitation and punishment has been increasing dramatically. This is because there have been sharp rises in the prison population and repeat offender rates. When one area is over emphasized in relation to the other, there is the possibility that imbalances will occur. Over the courseRead MorePrison Overcrowding And The United States994 Words à |à 4 PagesPrison Overcrowding In the United States, thereââ¬â¢s two types of incarcerations: jail vs prison and federal vs state. The key difference between all prison systems is the size, location, and quantity of inmates and the crime rate in each area. Overpopulation has been an issue for a while mainly because for the safety for the inmates, the Three Strike Law, and also, society feeling that rehabilitation isnââ¬â¢t what they want for convicted felons. In the future, the system of corrections should decreaseRead MorePunishment Vs Rehabilitation . Life Is Full Of Choices,1232 Words à |à 5 Pages Punishment vs Rehabilitation Life is full of choices, and every decision we make comes with consequences. However when someone decides to break the law, society locks them away with other lawbreakers for a duration of time that corresponds to their level of offence. This is what we call prison. We send people to prison to be punished, to prevent them from committing the crime again and to deter others from doing the same. Those are all valid reasons for incarceration, but I believe that after
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